Home Membership of the National Platform

Membership of the National Platform

Being the most representative Platform from the Republic of Moldova, with the biggest number of CSOs as members, the National Platform and its members are part of several councils, platforms, committees, working groups (among the local authorities), therefore ensuring the inclusion of the civil society in the decision-making process and in the priority setting.

Member-delegates of the National Platform which are part of councils, platforms, committees, working groups (among the local authorities)

Council for the Human Rights

State Chancellery, Nr.24-08-1540 din 21.02.2020, regarding the designation of the non-commercials organizations’ representatives as members in the Council for Human Rights

 Name of the representativeOrganizationPositionE-mail
1Ion GuzunLegal Resources Centre from MoldovaLegal Officerion.guzun@crjm.org
2Lilia CurchiEcological Movement of MoldovaMember of the Executive Council EMMliliacurchi2005@yahoo.com
3Roman BanariNational Youth Council of MoldovaGeneral Secretarycntm.corespondenta@gmail.com
4Ion ManolePromo-LEX AssociationExecutive Directorion.manole@promolex.md
5Andrei BrighidinEast-European FoundationEvaluation and Development Directorandrei.brighidin@eef.md


EU-Moldova Civil Society Platform
(reprezentatives in the EU-Moldova Civil Society Platform from the National Platform’s members, mandate 2020-2024)

Learn more about the EU-Moldova Civil Society Platform here.

 Name of the representativeOrganizationPositionE-mail
1.Lilia CarasciucTransparency International MoldovaExecutive Directorlcarasciuc@gmail.com
2.Georgeta MincuCentre for Development and ManagementExecutive Director



3.Rodica IordanovEcoContactExecutive Directorrodica.iordanov@ecocontact.md
4.Liliana PalihoviciInstitutum Virtutes CivilesExecutive Directorpalihovici.liliana@gmail.com


(Reprezentatives in the EU-Moldova Civil Society Platform, mandate 2015-2020)

  1. Ion Guzun
  2. Veronica Crețu
  3. Arcadie Barbăroșie
  4. Alexei Buzu
  5. Adrian Băluțel
  6. Adrian Lupușor
  7. Iuliana Cantaragiu

College of the Ministry of Justice

 Name of the representativeOrganizationPositionE-mail
1.Victor MunteanuSoros-Moldova FoundationDirector, Department of Justice and Human Rightsvmunteanu@soros.md
 Name of the back-up representativeOrganizationPositionE-mail
2.Natalia CamburianSoros-Moldova FoundationProgram coordinator ncamburian@soros.md


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